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PE - Gymnastics - PoS


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Development of skills

Identify and use simple gymnastic actions and space, confidently and safely.

Respond to a range of stimuli.

Link movements with control and consistency.


Use basic compositional ideas to create a basic routine, including balances and body shapes.

Become increasingly competent to perform skills accurately.

Develop symmetrical movements both individually and in a group.

Explore use of strength, flexibility and movement.

Perform confidently, using a range of techniques.

Develop a clarity of movement.

Applying skills, tactics and ideas.

Perform with a middle beginning and end, copying and creating movements.

Moving in different directions and speeds.

Create and perform simple sequences, with different speeds, demonstrating strength and flexibility.

Use actions independently to move in different directions and to create different pathways, shapes.

Select compositional ideas, including shape, speed and direction to create a routine.

Create longer, more complex sequences with a variety of compositional ideas and techniques.

Work independently and collaboratively composing performances with complex ideas.

Evaluation and self assessment of performance.

Express feelings and ideas about a performance.

Describe a performance.

Judge a simple gymnastic performance.

Describe how performances can move and link gymnastic elements.

Discuss how to consolidate the quality of movement and gymnastic actions in a performance.

Perform individually and in a group and discuss how sequences can be adapted and improved.

Compare and discuss performances, including strengths and areas for improvement.

Selecting a component for improvement.

Work independently and in small groups and consider how a performance can be improved.

Understanding of fitness and health.

Describe how the body is feeling before, during and after exercise.

Understand the need for strength and flexibility when performing a gymnastic routine.

To know basic stretches.

Understand the affects using strength has on the body during a performance. To understand why stretching in a warm up and cool down is important.

Develop body management in a routine, describing the affects this has on the body.

Know the importance of warm ups and cool downs, including stretching.

Show increasing flexibility and understand the importance of stretching to do so.

Begin to conduct warm ups and cool downs.

Arrange own apparatus safely to enhance performances.

Lead a warm up showing the importance and need for strength and flexibility.

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