"Key stage 2 attainment of the expected standard (100+) in mathematics (92%) was significantly above national and in the highest 20% of all schools in 2019". - IDSR 2019

At Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School, we want children to be fluent in the key numeracy skills of Maths and be able to apply these skills to a range of problem solving situations. We want pupils to know the ‘why’ in Maths and we want them to be able to have a deep understanding of Mathematical methods so that they can pull it apart, reason and apply. To this end we follow a maths mastery approach to learning and teaching. We strive to achieve this by allowing opportunities for all to reach the same outcome; displaying and using relevant vocabulary; focusing on delivering high quality provision through resources and key questioning and by using concrete resources for children to manipulate, before moving onto using pictorial representations and writing the abstract. We begin each lesson with a range of arithmetic questions to enhance fluency of mathematical basic skills and regularly provide children with a variety of reasoning and problem solving activities
At Corpus Christi we link Mathematical learning cross-curricular (where possible) to give our children opportunity to extend their learning beyond the classroom. We provide children with opportunities to discuss their thinking without worrying about the correct answer which enables deepen thinking.
At Corpus Christi we follow the Mastery approach to the teaching of Mathematics. Our teachers adopt strategies to ensure all children access the whole curriculum. We strive to ensure that all teachers and children emphasise number facts, precise mathematical language and full sentences. Our teachers plan maths lessons by mapping key mathematical concepts in a topic, then breaking them down into small steps that aim develop children’s fluency and reasoning together.

Impact on children's learning in Maths
Our children accept the ‘challenge of mathematics’ because they are encouraged by the belief that everyone can succeed through effort. They show a high level of positivity, engagement, enjoyment and enthusiasm for mathematics. Key Stage 1 children ‘feeling their brain work’ in lessons and Key Stage 2 children enjoy seeing mathematics that relates to real-life situations and have expressed that mathematical reasoning can be challenging, but that it is valuable. Our children at Corpus Christi demonstrate their growing understanding of mathematics through this reasoning and they have a willingness to explain their mathematical strategies. Thanks to our school’s approach to BLP our children are resilient and thoughtful about their mathematical learning and attitude to challenges. As a result of our use of the mastery approach, our children are able represent their mathematical reasoning verbally and articulate mathematical statements, including generalisations. This widens access to, and enjoyment of, the maths curriculum by children with EAL or lower levels of literacy.

As part of our COVID Recovery Planning we have provided coherent sequencing for the primary maths curriculum. It draws together the DfE guidance on curriculum prioritisation, with high quality professional development and classroom resources.
Please click on your child's year group to look at their Curriculum Map in Maths
Curriculum Maps
Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6