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Key Questions

What are fossil fuels?

How can fossil fuels impact on our environment?

What other ways of creating energy can we use as an alternative to fossil fuels?

Key Knowledge

Part 1 – KNOWING  Introduction to fossil fuels

  • Pupils will know what a fossil fuel is and that coal, oil and gas are examples of fossil fuels.
  • Pupils will know that fossil fuels are burned to generate energy to heat our homes, for transport and for manufacturing.
  • Pupils will know that fossil fuels are a diminishing resource.
  • Pupils will know the names of countries rich in fossil fuels and will be able to find these on a map of the world.

Part 2 -  APPLYING Impact of burning fossil fuels on our world (how our actions are causing harm)

  • Pupils will know what a greenhouse gas is and that burning fossil fuels releases carbon.
  • Pupils will know that the greenhouse effect is causing the climate to get warmer (global warming) and that burning fossils are contributing to this.
  • Pupils will study the impact (and potential impact) through two case studies – impact on Polar regions and on coastal environments.

Part 3 – RESPONDING What is happening now and how we can change our behaviour to reduce the harm we are causing to our planet.

  • Pupils will know that many world leaders are concerned about the impact of burning fossil fuels, although a minority of world leaders disagree.
  • Pupils will know that the majority of world leaders have committed to reducing emitting greenhouse gases e.g. The Paris Agreement.
  • Pupils will know that the majority of scientist know believe in climate change due to the release of greenhouse gases.
  • Pupils will know there are alternative to burning fossil fuels to generate energy.
  • Pupils will know the term renewable and will know different types of renewable energy.
  • Pupils will know every day practical strategies they can take to reduce the use of fossil fuels.
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