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Key Questions

What is litter?

Why should we worry about litter?

What can we do to reduce littering?

Key Knowledge

Knowledge - children will know:

Litter is rubbish that is in the wrong place.

Most litter is caused by people dropping their rubbish on the ground.

Sometimes people litter by accident but most littering is deliberate.

Littering can be one small piece of rubbish or a significant amount of rubbish.

It is against the law (rules) to litter.

Litter does not look very nice, it spoils the appearance of the environment and upsets people living there or people visiting the area.

Littering happens everywhere, not just in towns and cities.

Litter can make people ill. Litter can cause germs and attract animals who spread diseases.

Litter can harm animals, they can become trapped, can choke on the litter or injured by the litter.

Litter often breaks down into small particles which animals eat, particularly plastic known as micro-plastics. This makes the animal ill or can kill the animal.

Litter can be washed into our streams, river and seas/oceans. Litter (particularly micro-plastics) can harm sea creatures who may be trapped by the litter or eat the litter thinking it is food.

Contextualised teaching and learning. Children will apply their knowledge to a context (contexts are based on learning through stories).

Impact of litter (plastic focus) on our streams, rivers and oceans.

Development of Skills:

  • Fieldwork - Pupils undertake  a litter survey in school’s local area and the area around their home. Collect data, record their data and present their findings.
  • Presentation – Pupils prepare and deliver a litter presentation for their parents, includes what littering is, the impact of littering and how we can reduce littering.
  • Managing  a project to making a difference - Run ‘Home to School Litter Pick’ over 2 week period parents and children collect litter as they walk to school. School provide resources.
  • Learning more - Visit to Birmingham Sea Life Centre to investigate impact of plastic pollution on marine life.
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