We are the Mini Vinnies and belong to the St Vincent de Paul Society [SVP]. We are inspired by Christ’s message to love our neighbour as ourselves.
Our Mission is to seek and find those in need, to help them in a spirit of justice and to tackle the causes of poverty where we can.
We seek those who need help.
We think about how we can help those in need.
We do Christ's work on Earth as we spring into action to help others.

How we help around school.
We are always ready to help anyone around our school. We organise lots of things around school from litter picking to simply being a friend to someone who needs us.
We like to get the children of Corpus Christi involved in a lot of activities to raise funds and foodbank donations to help those in greater need.
How we help outside of school.
We really enjoy helping the SVP after mass on a Sunday. Our parishioners always leave with a smile after they have visited us for a cup of tea and cake.

The Mini Vinnies are responsible for ensuring that everyone has a voice and that all know that they are cared for.
We really enjoy helping out with our choir during the Advent and Christmas season too.

We also like to enjoy Sunday mass with the parishioners. Organising teas and coffees means that we can raise funds to pay for initiatives within our community.