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COVID-19 Help Page

Please take some time to look at the documents on this page. These will give you an idea of how school will operate during these uncertain times and give you some advice as to what to do if you find yourself having to self-isolate along with your children.

Behaviour Codicil 2020 COVID Risk Assessment COVID Catch-up Premium COVID-19 Flowchart Remote Learning Policy How To - Teams Guide

We want to keep you as up-to-date as possible with what our school is doing during this unprecedented time. We will continue to update you via text and letters. All letters sent to parents will be uploaded. Please visit this website often over the coming days as we hope to upload any documents to this front page to keep you as fully informed as possible about what school are doing in relation to government advice with regard to the Coronavirus outbreak.

If you are a key worker please make sure that you have completed the relevant form in and handed it back to the office if you haven't completed the online version. School is open to those children classed as vulnerable or to those whose parent is a key worker from 7:45 if you would like your child to use the Breakfast Club but please note that admittance will not be allowed after 8:15 so as to reduce contact with staff entering school at the same time. If your child won't be using breakfast club then they will be asked to attend school at their normal time - please make sure that you do not turn up to school too early so as to limit contact with other parents and children.

Thank you all for your understanding, support and cooperation

Online Learning [also called Remote Learning]

During these uncertain times there may be an instance whereby your child will be asked to stay away from school. Maybe there has been a positive case within your child's bubble including them being tested positive for COVID; there may also be a time when they might have to stay away from school due to having COVID symptoms and are therefore awaiting the results of a test. It might be the case that the government have called for another national lockdown.

As with any of the above worries please do give school a call in the first instance so that you can be reminded of what you can and can't do and what you should expect from the school with regard to the provision of Education for your child whilst they are away from school.

Remote Education Statement Remote Education Policy

Online Remote Education continues for the majority of the children at Corpus Christi. It is really important that your child participates with this in order to lessen the impact of not being in school. Children who are remote learning have work uploaded daily to their Microsoft Teams account and where lessons will be delivered from. Children must meet with their teacher via Microsoft Teams at least twice a week at the scheduled times given to them. Please note that the senior leader responsible for remote learning is Mr Logue and you can contact him via his email address at d.logue@corpuschristi.bham.sch.uk

Click this link to access Microsoft Teams

For more information please do click on the COVID-19 Page tab above where you will find more details of how to access online learning and where some of your questions can be answered.

Please do use this contact address if you have any issues regarding the remote learning for your child.

For all other queries please contact school by email enquiry@corpuschristi.bham.sch.uk or by telephone: 0121 675 2784

Autumn 2020

Risk Assessment

March 2021

Providing Remote Education - Information to Parents

January 2021

  • What will happen if there is a national lockdown and my child has to stay at home?

    If there is another national lockdown and schools are only open to children whose parents are key workers or children classed as vulnerable then teachers will use Microsoft Teams as a platform for delivering lessons to the children.

    Work will be uploaded to Microsoft Teams on a daily basis and teachers will deliver lessons this way. It is really important that your child is an active learner throughout remote learning as the work set is the work that they would usually be doing in school.

    It is suggested that children in KS1 have up to 3 hours worth of online work each day and children in KS2 up to 4 hours of work each day. Your child will have received a timetable to follow.

  • What equipment will I need to support my child's learning during lockdown?

    It is vitally important that children have the correct equipment in order for them to learn successfully whilst learning from home. The children will need pencils paper [both lined and blank], coloured pencils, scissors, ruler and a device to enable them to access the delivery of the online lessons.

    School will provide any materials that you are unable to - please do not hesitate to contact us if it is the case that you require any equipment.

  • I don't have any means to access online learning; how is my child expected to complete the work?

    It is vitally important that you contact school at the earliest opportunity so that we can put in place measures to enable your child to continue with their remote learning. If you have no laptop please contact Mr Logue and he will be able to organise a loan of one of our devices. Please note that this is a loan only basis and you will be required to sign a contract.

    If you have no WIFI in the house please also contact Mr Logue as he will be able to apply for this from the Government. Several parents have already taken advantage of their mobile phone providers offer of free, and in some cases unlimited, data for their phones in order for them to tether a device to it to enable access to the internet.

    If you would like to take advantage of this offer then please complete this form. Please note that this is a limited offer and it is based on a first come; first served basis.

    However, if it is not possible to loan a device out school will provide a pack of work for you to give to your child.

  • How do you know how well the children are doing?

    Teachers keep track of children's online learning by asking them to submit their work by a given date. This is then assessed and marked by teachers giving feedback in Microsoft Teams. Teachers can ask the children to complete or resubmit their work again if it falls below the expected standard. We also use a forensic tool called Insights where we can see the level of engagement of each individual child. This shows us how long they have spent on an activity, how often they log into their online platform, how many sessions that they attend and how many pieces of work that remain outstanding.

    If your child fails to complete any work they will be asked to do this by either resubmitting it or complete it when schools are back in as normal.

    In very rare cases where children have failed to engage then you will receive a phonecall from a senior leader asking for an explanation as to why there has been no engagement - this may seem quite intrusive but it is imperative that your child continues to receive an education and to acertain what barriers are stopping them from accessing the work. Missing lessons is seen in the same light as having a day off school. Remember, you are still responsible for providing your child with an education.

  • My child has additional needs; how will you continue to support them?

    One of the negative aspects of Remote Learning is that for those children who find learning a challenge anyway; this way of learning can be quite intimidating and off-putting. If this is the case, parents are encouraged to contact school where we will continue to deliver work to your child at their appropriate level - this may be through online methods or we can post work out to your home address.

    You will also receive an extra phonecall from a member of staff who is overseeing the work for those children with additional needs.

  • How do you make sure that the most vulnerable children who aren't in school are safe and well?

    We have a comprehensive safeguarding ethos in school. All children will receive a safe and well check - this will be carried out weekly by a senior leader. As well as this those children who are classed as vulnerable will receive an additional phonecall where their parents will be able to speak with the school's Family Support Worker. This will give those parents an opportunity to air any worries and will receive expert bespoke advice with regard to their situation.

    If you do have any worries about a child please do contact school and ask to speak with Mrs Taylor or any of her deputy DSL's

  • What should I expect if my child's bubble has been asked to stay at home and not come into school?

    Firstly, you will receive a text message informing you that your child's bubble will need to isolate. You will need to pick them up from school immediately if the message is sent during the school day. You will then receive further instructions via your ParentPay account. These details will include the date your child should return to school and instructions about how the school intend to continue to educate your child.

    If your child's bubble has been asked to isolate this will include their teachers also. If this is the case your child's teacher will have been instructed to begin teaching from home. This means that they will be uploading work on a daily basis to the Microsoft Teams platform. They will also have been given passwords for other learning platforms such as Rising Stars for their reading and Mathletics for their Maths as well as their Purple Mash login details. Your child should have already received instructions on how to access this work including any passwords required.

    The work your child will be set will be the work that they would normally have been expected to complete in class at this time so it is very important that your child logs into their account to retrieve the work to be completed.

    Please do not panic if you don't have any login details as these can be retrieved and sent to you as well as instructions on how to login to these various sites via email if you contact Mr Logue at d.logue@corpuschristi.bham.sch.uk

    Mr Logue will try to get back to you as soon as possible [usually within a few minutes of your request].

  • What if my child or someone in their household has symptoms of COVID and are awaiting test results?

    Once you have phoned school to let us know then work will be uploaded to your child's VLE. The VLE can be found at the bottom right-hand-corner of the schools website. Again, your child will have been issued with login details for this. We use the National Oak Academy to upload relevant work for your child.

  • Why do you use Microsoft Teams and the school's Virtual Learning Environment?

    Microsoft Teams is used when a complete bubble has to isolate at home. This includes the teacher. The teacher, if they are well enough, will work as normal to produce work for the children to complete. This work needs to be modified in a way for children to understand and compensate for not having a face-to-face lesson with their teacher. This takes quite some time to plan, upload and deliever; as well as mark the work.

    We have a dedicated member of staff who is responsible for uploading work to the VLE if it is just your child that has to isolate rather than their entire bubble. In this instance your child's teacher would be teaching their class in school as normal and it would be unreasonlable to then ask them to begin uploading, modifying and delivering the work to your child [and possibly other children who are isolating] as well as asking them to execute their normal teaching duties.

    The work uploaded to the VLE is sourced from the Oak National Academy and is relevant to what your child would have been doing in class on or around the time that they have had off.

  • What should my child expect from immediate remote education in the first day or two of pupils being sent home?

    You may find that your child may be sent home with workbooks to complete independently in the first instance.


Opposite you will find links to several sites that the children can access. Some will need passwords and others will not.

It is important to remember that home isn't usually where your children do their official learning so you might find it a little difficult to adjust at first - we hope that over the coming weeks we begin to feel learning come back.

In the event your child's bubble has to isolate a timetable of work will be uploaded. Although this will be a suggested timetable we expect all children to complete all work .The children should read, complete spellings and number work.


















Lockdown March - July Weekly Projects

WEEK 1 - My Family

WEEK 2 - The Area you Live in

WEEK 3 - Viewpoints

Your Spiritual Welfare

We all hope you and your family are keeping as well as can be expected. It is with great sadness that as members of the Catholic community, we realise that Lent and Easter will be very different this year. In school, we were looking forward to a range of activities to mark preparations for Holy Week including special year group masses.

Pope Francis and Archbishop Bernard are encouraging us to enter into spiritual communion during these difficult times. Our world is certainly in need of prayers and healing. Here are some links that families might consider using in the coming days and weeks.

Stations of the Cross:

https://cafod.org.uk/News/UK-news/Stations-of-the-Cross https://bustedhalo.com/video/virtual-stations-of-the-cross https://churchnextblog.wordpress.com/2018/03/07/resource-online-stations-of-the- cross/amp/

Holy Week:


With the obligation to attend Sunday mass, temporarily suspended, technology does allow us to participate in this ‘Spiritual Communion’ from our homes. The following website facilitates the live streaming of Mass. Our Lady of Lourdes, Yardley Wood as well as St Ambrose Barlow are two local churches where mass can be viewed at various times. https://www.mcnmedia.tv/

Please also take a look at St Chad's Cathedral's website for a similar experience.

We will continue to pray for the safety and wellbeing of all members of the Corpus Christi family.

Letters to parents throughout the COVID-19 Lockdown [March - July 2020]

Re-Opening Policies and Procedures

CCBADGE Letter to parents with regard to the re-opening of school in September [09.07.2020]
CCBADGE Letter from Birmingham City Council regarding the reopening of schools
CCBADGE COVID-19 Safeguarding Policy - April 2020

Letters from Mrs Taylor

CCBADGE Letter to parents from Mrs Taylor [28.08.2020]
CCBADGE Letter to parents from Mrs Taylor [11.06.2020]
CCBADGE Letter to parents from Mrs Taylor [20.05.2020]
CCBADGE Letter to parents from Mrs Taylor [14.05.2020]
CCBADGE Letter to parents from Mrs Taylor [11.05.2020]

Your Mental Welfare


Telephone: 116 123          Website: samaritans.org


Telephone: 0800 1111     Website: childline.org.uk


Text: 85258           Website: www.giveusashout.org

Young Minds:

Text: 85258           Website: youngminds.org.uk    Helpline for parents: 0808 802 5544


Telephone: 0800 068 41 41             Text: 07860 039967            Email: pat@papyrus-uk.org

Sane Line

Telephone: 0300 304 7000            Register for Textcare: www.sane.org.uk/what_we_do/support/textcare/


Telephone: 0800 4 70 80 90


Online resources


Website: https://www.moodjuice.scot.nhs.uk/

Mental Wellbeing Audio Guides

Website: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/moodzone-mental-wellbeing-audio-guides/

Hub of Hope is a website (also available as an app) that will locate local support to you based on your postcode,

as well as providing a ‘talk now’ button connecting users directly to the Samaritans.


Forward Thinking Birmingham

Website: www.forwardthinkingbirmingham.org.uk/resources

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